The Great Kantō Earthquake and the Chimera of National Reconstruction in Japan

List of Illustrations, xi-xiv Preface and Acknowledgments, xvi-xxii
Introduction, 1-12 Chapter 1. Cataclysm: The Earthquake Disaster as a Lived and Reported Experience, 13-46 Chapter 2. Aftermath: The Ordeal of Restoration and Recovery, 47-77 Chapter 3. Communication: Constructing the Earthquake as a National Tragedy, 78-115 Chapter 4. Admonishment: Interpreting Catastrophe as Divine Punishment, 116-152 Chapter 5. Optimism: Dreams for a New Metropolis Amid a Landscape of Ruin, 153-186 Chapter 6. Contestation: The Fractious Politics of Reconstruction Planning, 187-225 Chapter 7. Regeneration: Forging a New Japan Through Spiritual Renewal and Fiscal Retrenchment, 226-262 Chapter 8. Readjustment: Rebuilding Tokyo from the Ashes, 263-300 Chapter 9. Conclusion, 301-315
Notes, 317-346 Bibliography, 347-362 Index, 363-374
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